
Emily Faulkner has been a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique since 1999.


Brooklyn Harbor Healthcare, Veteran’s Administration, member of Integrative health team in the pain management department. (2019-present)

Movement Research, faculty, world renown experimental dance organization; teach Alexander Technique and improvisation. (2010-present)

Riverside Initiative Alexander Technique (RIAT), Faculty member, New York, NY (2018-present)

Université Dauphine, Paris, France; guest lecturer/workshop, Alexander Technique and presentation skills, interview skills (2017-present)

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France; guest lecturer/workshop, English speaking debate club, Alexander Technique and debate skills (2017-present)

Steady Buckets (youth basketball league), movement coach/Alexander teacher (2010-present)

Downtown United Soccer Club, studio Alexander Technique class (2017)

Lighthouse Guild for the Blind and Visually impaired, instructor, Dance/Alexander Technique.  (February 2018-2020)

Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT; guest Artist (2010)


American Center for the Alexander Technique – graduated in 1999

Member American Society for the Alexander Technique since 1999

Wesleyan University (1986), majored with honors in biology and dance.

